3 Common Misconceptions About Writing

Hey everyone! This week I thought we'd talk about common writing misconceptions, so here we go! 1. Writing is Easy So many people think this. It's mind-blowing. In actuality, writing requires a lot of hard work and commitment. Quality writing isn't something you can accomplish in an hour. And yet, countless individuals believe that writing is a piece of cake. Far too many people sit down to write expecting to work miracles in a short, painless amount of time. The truth is, even professionals will agonize over their work, so a little discomfort is normal. 2. Always Show, Never Tell Don't get me wrong, the show-don't-tell rule applies in certain situations. But overly descriptive paragraphs can slow down a fight scene— the last thing you want in an otherwise fast-paced situation. Show when you want the reader to notice the details. Tell when you want the reader to notice the action. 3. Wait For Inspiration We all love that idea that hits...